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neurons of antagonist muscles are simultaneously inhibited, but through Afferent spindle Descending disynaptic rather than monosynaptic L2 Muscle spindle fiber fiber sysyems connections This is accomplished in Golgi tendon organ part by inhibitory interneurons (recipMuscle spindle rocal inhibition), which also receive L3 Motor input from descending pathways and plates Motor Renshaw cells also participate by proend Efferent viding negative feedback through inplates fiber S2 hibitory synapses of alpha motor neuFiber rons (recurrent inhibition) Golgi Thus the setting of the spindle B tendon organ bers and the state of excitability of the alpha and gamma neurons (in uenced greatly by descending ber systems) determine the level of activity of the tendon re exes and muscle A tone (the responsiveness of muscle to Figure 3-1 A Patellar tendon re ex Sensory bers of the femoral nerve (spinal segments L2 and L3) mediate stretch) Other mechanisms, of an inthis myotatic re ex The principal receptors are the muscle spindles, which respond to brisk stretching of the hibitory nature, involve the Golgi muscle effected by tapping the patellar tendon Afferent bers from muscle spindles are shown entering only tendon organs, for which the stimuthe L3 spinal segment, while afferent bers from the Golgi tendon organ are shown entering only the L2 spinal lus is tension produced by active consegment In this monosynaptic re ex, afferent bers entering spinal segments L2 and L3 and efferent bers traction of muscle These encapsuissuing from the anterior horn cells of these and lower levels complete the re ex arc Motor bers shown lated receptors, which lie in the leaving the S2 spinal segment and passing to the hamstring muscles demonstrate the disynaptic pathway by tendinous and aponeurotic insertions which inhibitory in uences are exerted upon an antagonistic muscle group during the re ex B The gamma loop is illustrated Gamma efferent bers pass to the polar portions of the muscle spindle of muscle, activate afferent bers that end on internuncial cells, which, in Contractions of the intrafusal bers in the polar parts of the spindle stretch the nuclear bag region and thus cause an afferent impulse to be conducted centrally The afferent bers from the spindle synapse with many turn, project to alpha motor neurons, alpha motor neurons Because the alpha motor neurons innervate extrafusal muscle bers, excitation of the thus forming a disynaptic re ex arc alpha motor neurons by spindle afferents causes a cocontraction of the muscle In this way, both gamma and Golgi tendon receptors are silent in alpha bers can simultaneously activate muscle contraction Both alpha and gamma motor neurons are in u- relaxed muscle and during passive enced by descending ber systems from supraspinal levels (Adapted by permission from Carpenter MB, Sutin stretch; they serve, together with J: Human Neuroanatomy, 8th ed Baltimore, Williams & Wilkins, 1983) muscle spindles, to monitor or calibrate the length and force of muscle contraction under different conditions They also play a role in limb musculature (antigravity postural mechanisms) is mediated naturally occurring limb movements, particularly in locomotion primarily by the reticulospinal and vestibulospinal tracts and maThe alpha neurons of the medial parts of the anterior horn nipulatory movements of the distal extremity muscles, by the rubsupply trunk or axial muscles, and neurons of the lateral parts suprospinal and corticospinal tracts These aspects of motor function ply the appendicular muscles The largest neurons, in Rexed layer are also elaborated further on IX (see Fig 8-1B), innervate large muscles with large motor units Tendon re ex activity and muscle tone depend on the status Smaller anterior horn cells innervate small muscles and control of the large motor neurons of the anterior horn (the alpha motor more delicate movements, particularly those in the ngers and neurons), the muscle spindles and their afferent bers, and the hand Both groups of alpha neurons receive projections from neusmall anterior horn cells (gamma neurons), whose axons terminate rons in the intermediate Rexed layers (V to VIII) and from proon the small intrafusal muscle bers within the spindles Each anpriospinal neurons in the fasciculi proprii of adjacent spinal segterior horn cell has on its surface membrane approximately 10,000 ments (see Fig 8-1B) All the facilitatory and inhibitory in uences receptive synaptic terminals Some of these terminals are excitsupplied by cutaneous and proprioceptive afferent and descending atory, others inhibitory; in combination, they determine the activity suprasegmental neurons are coordinated at segmental levels in such of the neuron Beta motor neurons effect cocontraction of both activities as phasic and tonic re exes, exor withdrawal and spindle and nonspindle bers, but the physiologic signi cance of crossed extensor re exes, postural support, tonic neck and lumbar this innervation is not fully understood Some of the gamma neure exes, and more complex synergies such as rhythmic stepping rons are tonically active at rest, keeping the intrafusal (nuclear (eg, the re ex stepping of neonates) For further details the reader chain) muscle bers taut and sensitive to active and passive changes may consult Burke and Lance and also Davidoff (1992) in muscle length There is considerable information concerning the pharmacolA tap on a tendon stretches or perhaps causes a vibration of ogy of motor neurons The large neurons of the anterior horns of the spindle and activates its nuclear bag bers Afferent projections the spinal cord contain high concentrations of choline acetyltransfrom these bers synapse directly with alpha motor neurons in the ferase and utilize acetylcholine as their transmitter at the neurosame and adjacent spinal segments; these neurons, in turn, send muscular junction The main neurotransmitters of the descending impulses to the skeletal muscle bers, resulting in the familiar corticospinal tract, in so far as can be determined in humans, are monosynaptic muscle contraction or monophasic (myotatic) stretch aspartate and glutamate Glycine is the neurotransmitter released re ex, commonly referred to as the tendon re ex or tendon jerk by Renshaw cells, which are responsible for recurrent inhibition, (Fig 3-1) All this occurs within 25 ms of sudden stretch The alpha. upc-a UPC-A . 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